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Do We Trust Him?

Karyn Sunderland

OK, yes, Ned's preparation to cross the Red Sea is humourous, but am I so different? I mean, if I were to step into some sand where there's a sea rising into walls on either side of me, I rather think a Nile YMCA floaty would be a comfort!

We have had a Red Sea of our own just lately. In fact, we are still walking through it (and no, I didn't borrow Ned's floaty). As you may have seen in our newsletter, we recently put our house on the market here in Canada, in preparation for our move to Scotland. The catch is.....our UK visas haven't yet been approved. Talk about a Red Sea moment! A very wise and trusted person in my life urged us not to sell until we have our visas in hand. This was very good advice. And yet....

Our realtor had also been urging. On May 16th, she advised us to list our house on the 17th, as the housing market was rapidly changing and we didn't want to lose our advantage. Good advice also. visas. I'm so grateful that our realtor is also a Believer, as we were able to have a conversation about faith (and visas being a condition of sale also - that helped - maybe we did borrow Ned's floaty!) and chose to list the house and surrender to God's best for us. So, we listed. Based on the current market, we also chose to take offers at 1pm on May 25th, rather than consider individual offers as they might be made. Was it the right choice? I hoped so.

The next morning - the day of the listing launch - I opened an email from the Global Prophetic Alliance. They send me daily prophetic words, but things have been so busy that I literally haven't opened and read one for weeks. I can only guess that it was the Holy Spirit who prompted me to open and read that day's word, though I must confess it didn't feel super spiritual or anything - I just decided to open it. This is what it said:

Step Out of Egypt As the Israelites stood on the shores of the Red Sea, they had a choice to make. Would they trust that I was who I said I was, or would they focus their attention on the Egyptian army descending upon them, and turn back? Today, you are likewise presented with that choice. Will you go along with how the world does things? Will you believe the enemy’s lies which fill you with fear and doubt? Or, will you trust in Me, believing that I am who I say I am, and step out with Me? I know that this is easier said than done, but did I not provide for the Israelites every need? Did I not demonstrate my faithfulness at every turn? The same God who freed the captives, split the Red Sea, and rained Manna from above stands before you today. I invite you to step out with me today. Activation: Repent and break all partnership with doubt and any lies of the enemy that would hold you back from embracing God in all His fullness. Step forward as you do this to symbolise your willingness to place your trust fully in Him.
Exodus 14:13-14 (NIV) Moses answered the people, "Don’t be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." Psalm 91:9-11 (NIV) If you say, "The Lord is my refuge," and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.

It felt like God was confirming our decision to list our house. God speaks!

So far, so good. Then yesterday, when we were asked if we would consider an offer prior to the 25th. My initial response was, "Why not?" The offer came in and it was a good offer! Over our asking price, with the normal conditions, and a closing date that works with our scheduled move. Sounds great! But was it? Daniel and I wisely decided that we shouldn't do anything without consulting the Lord first.

Lord, what do we do?
Trust Me.
Lord, are we supposed to take this offer?
Lord, is there any reason we shouldn’t take this offer?
I have something better for you.

Just those simple words. So we called the realtor and told her (I’m so glad she’s a believer – that made explaining easier) that while we would be happy to take his offer on the 25th, we have decided to honour our original commitment to waiting until then. Only afterward did I realize that this was possibly the enemy trying to entice us with something that looked great, but was, in fact, an invitation to trust what’s in front of us instead of what God has in store for us. There's no guarantee that this buyer will make his offer again on the 25th. There's no guarantee that anyone will make an offer on the 25th! All I know is that our Red Sea has dry ground, so we will continue to put one foot in front of other.

Any if we happen to have a Nile YMCA floaty handy, all the better. At least we are still walking through.



The Scottish Promise

Daniel and Karyn Sunderland

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